Mysterio’s Tower #1
Mysterio manages to sneak into the Avengers Tower in an attempt to steal some Iron Man suits.
Spider-Man and Daredevil: Fisky Business #1
A New York superhero confronts Taskmaster in a Fisk warehouse.
A Spider-Man and Deadpool Adventure #1
What you want a description or something? All you need to know is this comic stars me with Spider-Man in a supporting role. NOW READ IT!!!
Batman: Dead Villains #1
Two super villains in Gotham suddenly wind up dead. Can Batman figure out what really caused their deaths?
New Guardians of the Galaxy #2
A collection of heroes discusses who should be the New Guardians of the Galaxy.
New Guardians of the Galaxy #1
The Guardians of the Galaxy find themselves facing seemingly insurmountable odds.
X-Men: Revenge #1
The X-Men find themselves trapped in a warehouse by the villain Arcade. Some of their teammates have been captured and Arcade has placed a serious of deadly challenges in front of the X-Men.