Hard Drive and Hard Times:

  • Next Forza Projected to Sell Significantly More Copies Due to Assassin's Creeds Fans Sudden Interest in Races.

  • New Nintendo Baseball Cap Not Backwards Compatible.

  • Amazon Studios Already Remaking Season 1 of Fallout with Improved Water Textures.

  • Toy Story 5 Plot to Involve All the Toys Being Replaced by the Family iPad

  • Kindergarten Basketball Team Trophy Revoked as Hoop Wasn’t Regulation Height

  • EA Relieved the Media is Focused on Their Microtransactions and Not the Death Star They Are Making

  • NCAA Worried That Paying Male and Female College Athletes the Same Wage Will Give Them Unrealistic Expectations About the Real World

  • Stranger Things Voted Most Accurate Portrayal of How Much it Takes to Get a White Family to Move

  • Comedian and Actor Keegan Michael Key Changes Name to “Vegan Michael Key” After Witnessing an Inspiring PETA Presentation

  • New Feature in Self-Driving Cars to Honk at the Car in Front of You Immediately When the Light Turns Green

  • “Isn’t it About Time a Woman Walked Into a Bar?”, Feminist Comedian’s Bold New Take on an Old Classic

  • Gym Bro Evolves Into Their Final Form and Becomes a Personal Trainer

  • Tom Brady Finally a Free Elf After Another Player Tossed Him a Towel

  • Rock Band Phish Late to Concert After Getting Caught in Six-Pack Ring

  • Man Accidentally Presses Flight Attendant Call Button, Has to Fake a Heart Attack to Justify It

  • Despite Wearing a Black T-Shirt Every Day for a Year, Low-Level Software Engineer Still Hasn’t Invented the Next Facebook

  • XFL Struggling to Even Get as Many Concussions as the NFL

  • Band Brings Audience Back Out After They Did a Great Job Applauding

  • Tesla on the Bleeding Edge Again With Their New Line of Passenger-less Cars

  • Disney Creativity Department Head Revealed to Be a Bunch of VHS Tapes in a Trenchcoat

  • Class of 2018 Students Still Paying Of Their Loans to Attend the Electoral College

  • Due to Copyright You Can No Longer Sing Happy Birthday to Yourself While Washing Your Hands

  • Punk Band Disbands After What Turned Out to Be A Phase After All

  • Aspiring Comedian Inspired by Joker Movie, Takes Up Dancing

  • Punk Investor Preferred DOW Jones Earlier Stuff

  • Handyman Points Out That the Low Whining Noise is Just Your Roommate

  • Economist Explains to AC/DC What You Do For Money

  • Drummer Never Reads Before Book Club, Says He’ll Just Follow the Frontman

  • Coronavirus Reaches 400,000 Confirmed Cases of Killing Employees’ Motivation to Do Anything

  • Barista Accused of Using Performance Enhancing Mugs

  • Fornite Adds Poochie the Dog to the Game Because Honestly What do Kids Even Like These Days?

  • Progressive Man Wears “Flatten the Curve” Shirt in Lieu of “No Fat Chicks”

  • Batman Villain Calendarman Can't Decide if He Wants to Name His Kid Greg or Ian

  • Scientists Finally Discover How to Solve a Problem like Maria

  • Friends to Reboot with a Season in Which the Friends Talk About How They Should Hang Out Sometime Then Never Do

  • Child Services Stepping in After Kratos Failed to Upgrade Atreus’s Bow at All

  • Living Room Clutter Finally Gets Promoted to Closet Clutter

  • Poker Player Unsure if He Should Fold Hotdog or Hamburger Style

  • Punk Worried the Establishment Isn’t Doing Enough for Them to Even Disrespect Anymore

  • NPC Cat Hopes Druid Runs Out of Spell Slots for Speak with Animals Soon

  • Hospitals Hiring Heath Ledger Joker Nurses, Mixed Results

  • Washington Post Changes Slogan to “Democracy Dies If You Use An Ad Blocker”

  • Wizard World Releases a New Batch of Puzzles and Quizzes for the Annoying Ravenclaws in Your Life

  • Hospitals Employ Nascar Pit Crews Who Can Change a Patient’s Bed in Half a Second

  • Despite Shelter-in-Place Being Lifted, Local Dad Still Won’t Open Up

  • Nursing Home Sends Out Survey About 8 Tracks to Find New Residents

Babylon Bee:

  • Worship Leader Introduces Same New Song Every Week For a Year, No One Notices

  • Sunday School Decides to Skip the Songs of Solomon

  • Baptist Church Experiences a True Miracle When the Congregation Actually Claps to the Beat of the Song

  • Baptist Church in Trouble for Skipping “What a Beautiful Name” One Week